Every action you take impacts another life, some actions create large obvious impacts while other impacts appear to create no impact of any kind. For example, excessive air travel is a major cause of CO2 output. Similarily, eating meat requires large amounts of land, water, and safe infrustructure.
Regardless of the size of the impact, each compounding impact of the action you and 7 billion other people take leaves a lasting impact, many of us have befun noticing these impact in the form of altered climates, species lost, habitat degradation, poor ari qulity, or even water shortages. it’s possile you’ve noticed these impacts financially, through rising prices of products, shortages of food, increased crime, or poor health.
Unfortunately these problems will only increase inseverity and freqiency as our combined impacts continue to build up.
history shows we cannot rely on the coroportaions or governments to takre the steps needed to preserve the life the world has become accustomed to. so, it is up to us.
you and i, our neighbors, and our friends and families will need to take steps together to offset our impact. For all life now and forever.